Be You : ) – Tomorrow isn’t Promised

It’s okay, I’ll do it tomorrow. 

What if this never happens? 

Will I ever be successful? 

What does the future hold for me? 

If you’re like me, you are a planner. I am constantly planning. 

Like when people ask the typical question, “where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years? I can spout out this whole plan of where I hope to be in this amount of time. 

My typical answer is: 

In five years, I hope to graduate from college and start my career by either working in a newsroom or being a media manager for a company. I also really hope to be married to my spouse and maybe have a baby. Maybe. 

In ten years, I hope to own a home and still be happily married with at least 2-3 kids. I also hope that I love my job and am still continuing to grow my blog.

There is nothing wrong with these hopes or dreams, but I should be asking myself where I want to be today and where God wants me to be.

If you are from North Carolina, I am sure you have heard the story of Ryan Marlow. 

If not, I’ll tell you a little bit about it now, so you can see just how precious time is and how great the God we serve is. 

First let me give you a little background information, 

So before I transferred to the public school system, I attended a small private Christian school. I went there from the time I was around 3 years old till I was going into high school. My 8th grade year, Pastor Ryan Marlow was hired at the school to be a Bible teacher, so he taught Bible class, led chapels, and sang and played piano as well. Looking back on this, I can honestly say that Ryan Marlow is one of the happiest and most faithful men I know. 

Okay, so about a few weeks ago, Ryan came down with some unusual symptoms and was just not feeling the best. He ended up being sent to the hospital to hopefully find out what was going on. I don’t know all the details, so I am not going to exactly say what happened and what didn’t. I just know things were up and down, and he would be doing better one day and not the next. After all this chaos, he sadly ended up passing away after only a week of being in the hospital. It was so heartbreaking knowing a perfectly healthy husband, father, son, and friend could just be gone in a blink of an eye. 

But wait… Here’s the crazy part!! 

They had pronounced Pastor Marlow brain dead, but they kept him on life support due to him being an organ donor. On the day that he was supposed to be transported to the funeral home, the doctors discovered activity in his brain!! 

He is still currently fighting in the hospital, and God is truly working through him right now. His story has spread all over the world, and so many people have been touched by his story and hearing how great God is. 

I tell you all this story for two reasons: 

  1. Because it is just an amazing story!!
  2. Because Pastor Ryan had no idea this was going to happen to him, and it just shows the true meaning behind the saying,”we’re not promised tomorrow.”

It is so scary to think about, but it is also so true.

In the Bible, God describes our lives as a vapor, one day here and gone the next. 

Our lives on this Earth are so short, and we never know when our last day could be. 

I struggle with this more than anyone I know. I am constantly looking at the past and thinking I wish I would have done this or that, or looking way too far in the future and thinking I can’t wait to do this or oh my gosh, what if that never happens? 

Back to the first question I asked,” Where do I want to be today?”  

If I really believed that I was not promised tomorrow, I think I would focus on this question a lot more than the question of what could I have done or what will I do? 

I just want to encourage everyone to not just live life to the fullest, but also to live everyday to the absolute fullest. Every minute to the fullest. 

If you want to go to New York City, GO! 

If you want to sing in the car, DO IT! 

If you want to eat fries and ice cream, EAT THEM! 

If you want a cafe mocha, BUY IT!  

If you want to try out for the sports team, TRY OUT! 

If you have a crush on someone, TELL THEM!  

Because you just never know when your last time to do it will be! 

Yes, I think you should do all of those things above, but I think we also need to focus our lives on living fully and completely for God! 

In everything we do, let it glorify Him! 

Live life to the fullest for Him!  

I truly believe God wants His people to enjoy the life He gave us, so in return we should want to live out our lives for Him! 

In Matthew 6:34, Jesus says,” Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.” 

Jesus, Himself, tells us not to think about tomorrow, but we should think of the time we are living in instead.

If tomorrow comes, then we will worry about tomorrow, but for now let’s try and just focus on today : ) 

In saying all of this, it is normal to think about things we wish we would have done or about what the future holds for us. Trust me, I get this. 

I think about all the things I should have bought on sale and didn’t all the time, and I think about what the colors of my future wedding are going to be and the names of my future kids all the time. I will be the first to admit that I am guilty of not thinking about the present. 

It’s just something we all have to work on in our lives. 

And you know what? 

God is always here to talk and help us when our thoughts go astray. 

He wants us to fully lean on Him for our help and understanding, and trust me He will help you and bless you in ways you can’t even comprehend. 


Remember to seek Him in everything you do, and it’ll all work out for His greater good!

Until next time, just be you! 

Lots of Love, 

Dace : ) 

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